Your credit union has a seven member Board of Directors. This year the terms of two directors will expire. Board members whose terms are expiring in April 2023 are Stacey Fitts and Caleb Curtis.
Credit unions are the only democratically controlled financial institutions. Only members may vote for the Board of Directors. Members wishing to be considered or who wish to recommend someone for the office of Director must submit a petition signed by at least 127 members (1% of the current membership) and forward to Donald Hill, Secretary of the Board, along with a statement of qualifications, biographical data, and a certificate signed by the nominee that he/she is agreeable to the nomination and will serve if elected.
The petition and information must be sent to the Board Secretary by 4:00 p.m., February 17, 2023 at 505 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield, Maine 04967.
Elections will be conducted at the Annual Meeting. Nominations will not be allowed from the floor unless insufficient nominations have been made to allow for one candidate for each open position.